Monday, December 11, 2006

cd cover


hey addam i could not get the object to work, could you do the js part? thanks

B = the SWF Object Extension for Flash.

meeting for finalization

Adam I emailed you this as well but I'm posting here just incase

Let's meet up and make sure everything is working and together so we can burn and print stuff out. What time is good for you tomorrow before flash? Im usually in school around 8-830 so let me know ok?



Hey Adam, please take that child sound out of there, it's irritating!Let's leave it with no sound. Also, I noticed that whenever the time is over it doesn't stay on 0, it goes to -1, -2, -3, -4..etc...we need to fix that.

There's no need for graphic on the "Game Over" and "You Win" pages, I just thinking about changing the type and also the colour...remember, keep it simple.

Gianni said he will be in school early to burn the cd and print the covers. Can Brian and Adam be with him? I won't be able to since I have a meeting with Peter, then exam, then Peter's class. But I'll have my cel phone on me and if anything goes wrong I'll be available to help.


oh man thats great lol really...what kind of graphic do u need?

Game update.

I think it will need a mute button

I think I'll take out the 'wah' entirely. There is no way to make that sound not make me want to puke. New baby image goes in this afternoon.

Anyone have some graphics to throw at the Game Over/You Win screen? I haven't been able to clear the storks and clouds off the screen which is why they are there after the game.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Adam - changes on the game look

Hey Adam, Gianni suggested you made the score and timer text a little nicer, and also the game over screen and the "you win" screen. The colour of the timer and the score could be different it's a little hard to read.
Can you try something just a little diferent on those?



ps:Brian and Adam, Gianni sent you the song effects for the game. If you didn't get that, please let us know.


Ok people, seems we're getting a lot done today!We already have the mini website pretty much ready, just a few changes in the text itself have to be done.
The new baby was sent to Brian's and Adam's e-mail from Gianni.
The sound for the website is done.
The Cover is in process of being done.
The game itself is ready, needs to be embedded into the smal website.
Anything I missed?
Have a great night:)


baby do!

theres that baby again, man poppin em out like rabbits!


im finishing those tonight when i get back from my game...which is about to start ahhhhh! lol ok i really gotta go!


The game

go play

I'm still hunting down some weird bugs.

Sound effects?
Picture of baby without the cloth?

naked site

ok so still putting content on page but tada!! look look navagation..... theres content on news just to prove the nav works

when its done well post it on adam's server, for now the quick and dirty can be found at



ok i made a very simple logo...thats why it looks so simple! didnt take me very long...hopefully its ok its not my best work


Guys, what's left to do for the website and the game? We need to organize ourselves and figure out what we need to do finish this up.
On Tuesday, during Andrew's class I have my English exam so I won't be able to be there.
Answer me ok?

Press Release

Hello everyone, how's everything?
Here is the text for the press release, see if that's enough. and the Red Bite Team are releasing next Tuesday, December 12, a new online super fun space. is a portal focused on artistic ideas with the objective to inform, portray interviews, thoughts and even works of digital media artists.

Ready to take the next step they pared up with Red Bite agency and came up with a online flash game to entertain and retain their online gamers target. The game will be about alien spaceship invasion; in which the goal is to eliminate all stork birds which are carrying human offspring. Therefore stopping all future human reproduction. The website address for this fun space is:

(ps:the adress for the website was ramdonly picked, doesn't mean that's what we will use).

web banner

ok so making a banner for the site, not sure how much flash should go on it but at least the top banner will be. 3 am and my wound is well..... giving gifts.....

good old korn keeping me awake.... mmmmmmmmmmmmm corn.....................................

k guys email me any and all art that would look cool on the site, cause cool is what im all about

good night moon


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Website Address

I mean

Brian, same log in as before. You've got FTP access now as well. I'll send you an email with the info. And anyone else who wants it.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006


i think we all forgot to ask BUT you can go to our later posts where the details of the project is laid out..."HTML Display" hmmm...


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Website + Amazing video

I'll set up the CMS for the game website soon if we're doing this in HTML. Did anyone find out today?

Also, this is amazing. You might have to click on the big white space below these lines for it to start playing. Or go here.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Oh baby!

Hey guys, how are you?
Me (Paola)and Brian just saw the game. We talked about it and we think that the baby should be fired every five seconds and in a lower speed so the user can identify it as a baby...The storcks should also fire less babies at a time. I know that people keep working on making them non stop, but let's try to take it easy on the storcks, what if their union complains about the amount of weight they're carrying?

Adam,could you get the vectorized baby that Gianni posted?

Well, how was your weekend?

See you tomorrow,

Paola and Brian

Saturday, December 2, 2006

baby downloads

click the link to download a baby!

act now and you too can have a vector baby

- gianni

Friday, December 1, 2006


Press End to throw babies. I can't decide when the storks should launch them themselves.

Giancarlo, I'll need that baby in vector format.

Game arrangements

Hey Adam, I love the way the clouds move and we can get to see the land underneath! There are a few parts in which the background is too dark and also too green or too yellowish...

There could be more storcks coming and in a faster speed. The background could move faster too.

Anyways, great work:) I had fun playing it before javascript!
