Cool guys, good to see you are always checking this out! Let's meet tomorrow after 3D then, ok?
Here goes Andrew's instructions for this assignment:
Project name: Client game
Client : // super fun space
• You are required to fulfill the client's requests, meet deadlines and conduct this project yourself and all contact in a professional matter.
• Knowledge learned from previous class addressing; font selection, graphic elements, layout, file formats, crossover of elements from other art mediums must be considered.
• The client target online gamers
• Final output: online
• SIZE 800X600
• Budget: Plan $20.00 for your printing and supply cost for this project
• Blog: Document the process from start to end, The studio blog must include photos, budget cost, break down of time, images of working all hand drawn ruff notes. Concept ideas. All members names and job titles … all members must post.
• Like other cousers I'll be creating the same project with same spec's and deadlines. So all the concept, planning, layout, computer work, printing etc and everything will be online The reason is to share my process with you and provide another method of teaching. This will also give you a yardstick to measure your own "studios" process.
Theme and Style: DO your research develop a style and design that clients will want to play, Do not over look details, ask for help, look for answers online in forums and user groups. Stay true with the design, make decisions that will meet deadlines , do not become a victim of design
Interaction and Details:
• Relevant Menu Options(Info, media, download, play, etc)
• Develop your own studio name and logo
• Use embedded or external videos in the interface / sample game
• 1 level sample online game
Include the following engine scripts into the design
• Client supplied basic shooter engine
• Zigo Engine
• Tween Classes
• Filter Classes
• Super Fades/Ease
• Video Playback
• Pre-loaders
• HTML display
• Flash embed/detect w/ java and /or vb
Submission: All work must be presented online at an active online account. Attached files will not be graded It is each student's responsibility to maintain and manage his or her own files and develop active content solutions for access of all material created 24/7. It is strongly encourage that each student investigates alternative hosting solutions for content in addition to a school matrix account. Each studio-group must provide instructor with an email that contains the active online link for
• Production Blog
• List of members and job requirements
• Production updates by all members each day as the mini-site/game is developed.
• Clock hours for each member and work completed
You will also be required to provide a CD with all FLA and development files and the Completed application. Please keep this organized
Due Date: Beginning of class in week 14 , Email must be sent with link to active account and a release style CD that contains all files in the creation of the game, finished cover designs ( outside / inside / back ) DO NOT INCLUDE a CD label ( unless you can print directly on the CD )
The studio production blog must have a press release for the game
Submission Address: Provided in week 13 only.
Total: 25% of student's final grade ( the total = several milestone requirements )
Grade structure: Present in class
Supplied Assets: The client ( pond70 ) will provide the company logo in vector and bitmap format. A basic commented game engine will be provided ( flash 8 ) Other required scripts can be found on student > moby >>>>> All other art , sound effects , music must be of your own creation.
Other details are covered in class meeting only or via "client emails".
1. All art work, music, sound effects, assets must be of your own creation. You will be held personally responsible for any copyright infringements
2. Ctrl+C & Ctrl+v online tutorials at your own risk. Understand the function of your code incase of last minute client "requests".
3. Back-up all files including FLA several times on different mediums
4. Simple is best and meeting deadlines
5. Everyone must share the workload
6. can we remake a game > NO
7. can we have the user click on separate SWF for sections of the game – NO
HINT HINT HINT !!! Plan for deadline pressured content and design changes. Develop for a scalable site easy to add content and keep files organized and all content active and current.
- Paola -